TAK Games > Digimon Card Game – Battle of Omni Pre-Release Registration

Digimon Card Game – Battle of Omni Pre-Release Registration

Digimon Card Game - Pre-Release BT05 Battle of Omni

  • Please provide a placeholder date and time for your BT05 Battle of Omni event. All events must be hosted in line with current state or territorial health regulations. We ask that stores keep the health and safety of their community in mind. Events must be scheduled between the 30th of July and 5th of August
  • Please select the total number of participants you would like to cater for. Each participant will receive 6 BT05 Battle of Omni booster packs and a participation prize with their entry.
  • As an organized play store, you may sell stock early to pre-release participants. Stock will be invoiced at your LPG buy price and will be supplied with special promotional packs (1 per box). All prices below reflect RRP.

    How many booster boxes would you like to have available for sale at your pre-release event?

    Price: $ 150.00