TAK Games > Dragon Ball Super Card Game | Expansion Set 09 / 10 Sealed Event

Dragon Ball Super Card Game | Expansion Set 09 / 10 Sealed Event

Expansion set sealed events are taking place across Australia and New Zealand throughout January 17th to February 6th. Make sure you visit your local friendly gaming store to take part in a growing community!

Participation Prize

Each participant receives 2 Expansion Sets and 2 Expansion Set Tournament Packs to build a deck for the event.

Champion Prize

The Champion will receive an additional 3 Expansion Set Tournament Packs and a pack of sleeves.

Store Registration Form

Expansion Set 09 / 10 Sealed Event Registration Form

  • Please provide the date and time of your first Expansion Set Sealed Event. Events must be hosted in the event window of January 17th - February 6th, 2020.
  • Please provide the date and time of your first Expansion Set Sealed Event. Events must be hosted in the event window of January 17th - February 6th, 2020.
  • Please select the total number of participants you would like to cater for. Each participant will receive 2 Expansion sets with their entry. Entry RRP $50.
  • Please create a Facebook event for your Dragon Ball Super TCG Expansion Set sealed event and provide the URL here. Events will be promoted on the Official Dragon Ball TCG Super Australia Facebook page and group and Bandai's Dragon Ball Super official page. A Facebook event link must be provided to host the event.

Event Listing

to be advised