TAK Games > Series 5 Sneak Peek Party

Series 5 Sneak Peek Party

Series 5 Sneak Peek Party
November 2nd – 8th

Stores in Australia and New Zealand can now host a Dragon Ball Super Series 5 Sneak Peek event within the event promotional period of November 2nd to 8th, 2018. Stores must apply by 5PM AEST on September 11th, and supply all requested information, to host this event.

For a $50 entry fee, players will receive a Starter Deck (V06 or V07) and Special Pack Set V05 to build a deck for the event. Lucky door prizes (sleeves) will be provided to stores based on their stock order.

An order will be placed on your behalf with Let’s Play Games for the participant numbers you specify at a special discounted price for the event.

Series 5 Sneak Peek Party Registration Form

  • Please provide the date and time of your Series 5 Sneak Peek Party event. Events must be hosted in the event window of November 2nd - 8th, 2018.
  • Please select the number of participants you would like to cater for.
  • Please create a Facebook event for your Dragon Ball Super TCG Series 5 Sneak Peek event and provide the URL here. Events will be promoted on the Official Dragon Ball TCG Super Australia Facebook page and group and Bandai's Dragon Ball Super official page. A Facebook event link must be provided to host the event.