TAK Games > TAK Games Dragon Ball Z Judge Test (Australia only)

TAK Games Dragon Ball Z Judge Test (Australia only)

Australian Dragon Ball Z Judge Test

Thank you for electing to take the TAK Games Dragon Ball Z TCG Level 1 Judge Test! This test is comprised of questions asking general game knowledge, tournament procedure and overall game play awareness. You may use the CRD, Tournament Guide, Rule Book, TAK Games Organised Play Guidelines and Panini DBZ TCG Wikipedia Page to assist you. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability. You must score 85% correct to pass. Within 3 business days, we will contact you to notify you of the results.

  • Questions 1 - 8 reference general game knowledge. Please fill in or select the answer to each that you feel is the correct answer:

  • The following questions reference both the Panini and TAK Tournament Guides, plus the CRD

  • The following questions are advanced card interaction rulings. Please reference the cards, CRD, and Wikipedia page as necessary to correctly answer each question. For each, please be detailed in your answer and explain why it is the correct answer. (In this section, questions answered with only a 'Yes' or 'No' will be marked incorrect.)