TAK Games > Dragon Ball Super Card Game – Judge Application Form

Dragon Ball Super Card Game – Judge Application Form

Dragon Ball Super Judges in Australia and New Zealand volunteer at demo days, tournaments, Budokai Card Club events, and major events including conventions, regionals and nationals as judges and event organisers. Passionate fans of Dragon Ball Super, Judges have demonstrated their understanding of the game and the rules governing organised play events. Judges help share their love of the game, helping it grow and attract new players while assisting existing players to evolve their games.

Aspiring volunteers must be over the age of 18 and must complete several checkpoints to officially join the ranks of the Judges. These include:

Judges should be familiar with the ruling manual and Bandai’s floor rules and be prepared to participate in the private Facebook group (an invite will be sent to you once your application is received).

Dragon Ball Super CG - Judge Application Form

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to become a Judge for Bandai's Dragon Ball Super Card Game. We will respond to your application within 7 business days.

  • Please supply the email address you use to login to Facebook. You will be invited to join the private Judge / TO group.
  • Please supply your Bandai BCC #. This will be used to check whether you have successfully completed Bandai's Judge test.
  • Please provide us with the name of the store supporting your Dragon Ball Super CG Judge nomination.
  • Please upload a photo or scan of your Working with Children check. This must be supplied within 30 days of your application or by 30th November 2018, whichever is sooner. (JPG format, 1MB size limit)
    Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 1 MB.