Round 1
27 Players have descended on Good Games Gold Coast for the Local Championships. We are live on stream here;
On stream is Armin E. and Callum S.
Updates will be posted throughout the day.
Round 2
We are underway in round 2, with some tense matches in the previous round. Up on stream are Jono C. (Red Garlic) and Fahad R. (Red Roshi)
Round 3
Moving into the next round, we 6 players undefeated, they are the following players;
Josh C. (Blue Protective Ginyu)
Dylan M. (Saiyan Rampaging Turles)
Lin H. (Namekian Knowledge Piccolo)
Callum S. (Red Enraged Roshi)
Fahad R. (Red Enraged Roshi)
Juliano S. (Black Devious SDCC Krillin)
When the stream is back, we will have Table 1, Juliano S. Vs Josh C.
Round 4
We’re just about to start round 4. We will have Jesse M. and Ryan D. on stream.
Coming into the final rounds, it’s anyone’s game for Top 8
Round 5
Final round of Swiss is underway. Fighting to move up to the potential top cut places are Sam H. and Simon N. on the stream.
Juliano S. and Callum S. are fighting out to go undefeated in Swiss
We’ve had some great games over the course of the day. Making it into Top Cut. Players are;
Juliano S. (Black Krillin)
Callum S. (Red Roshi)Fahad R. (Red Roshi)
Jono C. (Red Garlic)
Jesse M. (Orange 20)
Simon N. (Namekian Piccolo)
Joshua C. (Blue Ginyu)
Dylan M. (Saiyan Turles)
Game on!
– Trent (@TAKGames_Trent) and Kyp (@JustKyp).