This week’s previews for the new MetaX TCG expansion, Green Lantern are painting the town red, and may cause a little bit of rage.
Red Lantern’s were previewed on the Panini Games blog yesterday, and to help expand upon the playstyle they are setting up, we are revealing our tied in spoilers.

First up, the ferocious feline, Dex-Starr. This cute little kitty can add some serious leverage to aggressive Red Lantern builds to continue building card advantage during your battle step. He can even help in the mirror match as his effect is a field effect no restricted to your own Red Lanterns, so you could defend with himself and Bleez to continue the card advantage.
Dex-Starr gives more control type builds headaches to deal with, and as more players look to build deck’s using constant effects to gain more value out of their characters in play, he can help build more on aggressive builds to push through defenses. His only counter plays are decks that run General Zod, and characters like Black Canary who negate effects.

To help build on the aggressive nature of Red Lantern decks, you could also look at including this amazing Event. Black Hole can potentially give you one of the biggest single instance card draw effects in the game. For this, the cost of 4 MP is justified, but not too heavily weighted to make it unattractive for deck building.
This card could feature in not only aggressive decks, but those with large potential for board control via KO effects. A potential outlets for this card would be builds like Firestorm who would gain a draw 2 off this ability without any further input. It could also act as a good bait/bluff for your opponent to leave some of your attacks undefended to save potential KO’s during combat where there can be anywhere up to 6 potential draws at the end of turn.

And lastly, this amazing 4 Strength Battle Card for Red Lantern builds, that features some sweet art of Atrocitus.
Being a Strength battle card, the only currently previewed Red Lantern’s that can directly access it are the three from the Panini Games blog, but it doesn’t need to be used by a Red Lantern. So you could add other aggressive focused Characters to your Red Lantern deck that can access a Strength 4 battle card, and save your amazing ongoing effects like Dex-Starr and Bleez.
After looking at these cards, and their potential combo’s with other Red Lanterns and existing Justice League cards, you could be seeing red. Just don’t surrender to the rage inside like these Red Lanterns.
Check back again next week for some further Green Lantern previews!
Game On!
– Trent and Kyp